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Dr Orla Murray

Assistant Professor

Department: Social Sciences

Orla Murray

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Is belonging always positive? Cultivating alternative and oppositional belonging at university, Murray, Ó., Chiu, Y., Horsburgh, J. 30 Jul 2024, Belonging and Identity in STEM Higher Education, London, UCL Press
  • Approaches to Feminist Text Analysis in Institutional Ethnography, Murray, Ó. 14 Mar 2023
  • Are we proper institutional ethnographers?, Murray, Ó., Ablett, L., Kearney, G., Suárez Delucchi, A. 17 Nov 2023
  • Between orthodoxy and openness: a book review essay on: The Palgrave Handbook of Institutional Ethnography, Murray, Ó., Ablett, E., Suárez Delucchi, A. 4 May 2023, In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology
  • ‘Biology is easy, physics is hard’: Student perceptions of the ideal and the typical student across STEM higher education, Wong, B., Chiu, Y., Murray, Ó., Horsburgh, J., Copsey-Blake, M. 2 Jan 2023, In: International Studies in Sociology of Education
  • Deindividualising Imposter Syndrome: Imposter Work among Marginalised STEMM Undergraduates in the UK, Murray, Ó., Chiu, Y., Wong, B., Horsburgh, J. 1 Aug 2023, In: Sociology
  • Against Reform and Defence: Towards an Abolitionist Feminist Praxis in, against, and beyond the Neoliberal University, Schwoerer, L., Murray, Ó. 2022, In: Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education
  • Book Review: Lola Olufemi, Feminism, Interrupted: Disrupting Power, Murray, Ó. 1 Jun 2022, In: Sociological Research Online
  • Book Review: Rebecca WB Lund and Ann Christin E Nilsen (eds), Institutional Ethnography in the Nordic Region, Murray, Ó. 1 Oct 2022, In: Work, Employment and Society
  • Do marginal gains approaches in universities fuel REF myths?, Murray, Ó. 18 May 2022

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