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UoA 13 at Northumbria University is involved in a range of projects. Find out more about these below.  

Virtual Newcastle Gateshead  

Virtual Newcastle Gateshead is a project to create a 3D digital model of the main urban areas of Newcastle and Gateshead, in partnership with Newcastle City Council and Gateshead Council. The model will enable developers, architects and other stakeholders to accurately assess the impact of design proposals by city planners and future investors. Watch video about the project

Intelligence Project

The R3 project is led by a team of industry specialists and academics based at a UK university offering retail consultancy and contract research. The team has the skills and experience to monitor the performance of commercial real estate and direct its potential improvement. The project’s resources are used to create up to date employment premises assessments which go beyond the traditional Employment Land Assessments periodically carried out by local authorities. The model developed is used to inform land use, intervention and change in use assessments. We monitor and simulate the impacts of Tax Increment Finance (The General Model and New Development Deal Model), Enterprise Zones and other retained business rate models, such as Business Improvement Districts. 

North East Regeneration Archive

At Project NERA (North East Regeneration Archive) documents have been digitised to create an archive of England's regeneration projects. NERA’s collection includes documents from the many regeneration agencies that operated in the North East of England from the 1990s onwards. The archive includes images, reports, films and books. Loans of hard copies may be possible for students and researchers.

Digital Energy Estimation Project

This project is dedicated to finding new and innovative solutions to address excessive carbon consumption within built environment and infrastructure projects, by using modern digital tools to address both operational and embodied aspects.

This gives stakeholders greater control and ways of decreasing aspects in early design stages.


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What does poverty do to the mind?
Higgs High-Performance Computing (HPC) Launch

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