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Dr Shaima Moh d

Assistant Professor

Department: Newcastle Business School

Shaima Moh d

  1. Agile organisations
  2. Agile HRM
  3. Job design 
  4. Work modes
  5. Work-life balance
  6. Meaningful life
  7. Creativity and innovation
  8. fsQCA

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Agile Human Resource Management: A Systematic Mapping Study, Moh'd, S., Gregory, P., Barocca, L., Sharp, H. 22 Jan 2024, In: German Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Beyond the office walls: Work design configurations for task performance across on‐site, hybrid and remote forms of work, Lamovšek, A., Radević, I., Mohammed, S., Černe, M. 27 Jun 2024, In: Information Systems Journal
  • The Work Design Puzzle: Untangling its Relationship with Work-Life Balance across Different Forms of Work, Lamovšek, A., Černe, M., Popovič, A., Moh'd, S., Trinchera , L. 6 Jan 2024, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Does the Context Matter? The Interplay of HR Systems and Relational Climates Predicting Individual and Team Creativity, Moh'd, S., Batistič, S., Černe, M., Poell, R. 2 Jan 2023, In: Creativity Research Journal
  • I'm creative and deserving! From self‐rated creativity to creative recognition, Černe, M., Bunjak, A., Wong, S., Moh'd, S. 1 Dec 2022, In: Creativity and Innovation Management
  • An Exploratory Configurational Analysis of Knowledge Hiding Antecedents in Project Teams, Moh'd, S., Černe, M., Zhang, P. 2020, In: Project Management Journal
  • Creative and deserving: Digital workers’ transformation of subjective into objective creativity, Černe, M., Bunjak, A., Wong, S., Moh'd, S. 1 Aug 2019, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
  • An exploratory configurational analysis of knowledge hiding antecedents in project teams, Moh'd, S., Černe, M., Zhang, P. 2018, 34th EGOS Colloquium: Surprise in and around organizations: Journeys to the unexpected, Tallinn University
  • Context matters: The role of the interplay between HR systems and relational climates in predicting individual and team creativity, Moh'd, S. 2018, 15th International Human Resource Management Conference IHRM: Managing People in a Changing Global Environment
  • Configurational paths of High-performance Work Practices to employee retention through Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Moh'd, S., Visintin, F., Pittino, D., Sternard, D. 2017, EURAM conference: Making knowledge work

Human Resource Management PhD March 04 2019

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