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Dr Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy

Assistant Professor

Department: Applied Sciences

Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Arabinose as an overlooked sugar for microbial bioproduction of chemical building blocks, Kumar, V., Agrawal, D., Bommareddy, R., Islam, M., Jacob, S., Balan, V., Singh, V., Thakur, V., Navani, N., Scrutton, N. 17 Aug 2024, In: Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
  • Impact of the T296S Mutation in P450 GcoA for Ary-O-demethylation: A QM/MM study, Gomes Dos Santos, S., Bommareddy, R., Black, G., Singh, W. 11 Jan 2024, In: Frontiers in Chemistry
  • Stable Platform for Mevalonate Bioproduction from CO2, Garavaglia, M., McGregor, C., Bommareddy, R., Irorere, V., Arenas, C., Robazza, A., Minton, N., Kovacs, K. 26 Aug 2024, In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  • The substrate specificity in the O-demethylation of 4-alkylguaiacols by cytochrome P450 AgcAP450, Santos, S., Bommareddy, R., Black, G., Singh, W., Huang, M. 7 Apr 2023, In: Catalysis Science and Technology
  • A genome-scale metabolic model of Cupriavidus necator H16 integrated with TraDIS and transcriptomic data reveals metabolic insights for biotechnological applications, Pearcy, N., Garavaglia, M., Millat, T., Gilbert, J., Song, Y., Hartman, H., Woods, C., Tomi-Andrino, C., Reddy Bommareddy, R., Cho, B., Fell, D., Poolman, M., King, J., Winzer, K., Twycross, J., Minton, N. 23 May 2022, In: PLoS Computational Biology
  • Development of Hypertolerant Strain of Yarrowia lipolytica Accumulating Succinic Acid Using High Levels of Acetate, Narisetty, V., Prabhu, A., Bommareddy, R., Cox, R., Agrawal, D., Misra, A., Haider, M., Bhatnagar, A., Pandey, A., Kumar, V. 22 Aug 2022, In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
  • Establishing Mixotrophic Growth of Cupriavidus necator H16 on CO2 and Volatile Fatty Acids, Jawed, K., Irorere , V., Bommareddy, R., Minton, N., Kovács , K. 14 Mar 2022, In: Fermentation
  • Metabolic engineering of Cupriavidus necator H16 for heterotrophic and autotrophic production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid, Salinas, A., McGregor, C., Irorere, V., Arenas-López, C., Bommareddy, R., Winzer, K., Minton, N., Kovács, K. 6 Nov 2022, In: Metabolic Engineering
  • Valorisation of Xylose to Renewable Fuels and Chemicals, an Essential Step in Augmenting the Commercial Viability of Lignocellulosic Biorefineries, Narisetty, V., Cox, R., Bommareddy, R., Agrawal, D., Ahmad, ., Pant, K., Chandel, A., Bhatia, S., Kumar, D., Parameswaran, B., Gupta, V., Kumar, V. 7 Jan 2022, In: Sustainable Energy and Fuels
  • Engineering Cupriavidus necator H16 for the autotrophic production of (R)-1,3-butanediol, Gascoyne, J., Bommareddy, R., Heeb, S., Malys, N. 1 Sep 2021, In: Metabolic Engineering

  • Joseph Paros Engineering Cupriavidus necator for gram-scale production of 1,2-propanediol from CO2. Start Date: 01/10/2023
  • Ewan Waters Efficient waste carbon conversion to value-added products in a mixotrophic fermentation process. Start Date: 01/10/2022
  • Toby Davies Microbial engineering for efficient overproduction of C3 and C4 oxoacids from CO2 Start Date: 01/10/2020

Biological Sciences PhD October 21 2014

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