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On this page you will find links to a number of Northumbria-led projects that have impacted on the societal environment and agenda
A national programme to help older people with impairments remain independent
Northumbria research reduces the fear of falling and improves the quality of life in older people with impairments such as low vision
Discover moreAddressing food poverty in children and families
Links between food insecurity and mental, physical and academic development are clear...
Discover moreArts for an ageing population
How participating in the arts helps older people...
Discover moreAuthorities in England and Scotland unite to strengthen economic development
Policymakers have adopted research recommendations to boost political and economic collaboration across the England-Scotland border...
Discover moreBreakthrough screening tools for intellectual disability
Life-changing screening tools have been developed by Northumbria researchers
Discover moreBritish heritage redefining what is culturally valuable
Heritage making in the UK has often misunderstood and under-represented black, Asian and minority ethnic groups...
Discover moreBuilding bridges in Northern Ireland through the promotion of Protestant working-class literary culture
For a long time, widespread understanding of Protestant (Loyalist) culture in Northern Ireland has been...
Discover moreCasting light on discrimination
In the best tradition of British and Irish cinema and social realism, the film 'Sanctuary' casts people with conditions like Down’s syndrome and autism in central roles...
Discover moreChanging the development volunteering debate
Volunteering is important to delivering aid and development outcomes, but most research on volunteering centres on volunteers as a form of cheap service delivery...
Discover moreComic books - a powerful medium for all ages and genders
Research has shown that comic books serve an important purpose in education and understanding history, as well as art, culture and language...
Discover moreDeveloping effective health and social care workforces in the UK
An estimated one tenth of the UK’s working population are employed in the health and social care sectors. To meet growing health and social care needs, the health and social care workforce needs to be...
Discover moreEnding female genital mutilation/cutting
The practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is internationally recognised as a human rights violation...
Discover moreEnsuring nature is mainstreamed into planning policy
Research has championed the benefits of including Green Infrastructure in urban areas...
Discover moreFirst community-based prehabilitation service in the UK
A new community-based service called PREPWELL was established in the North East England as a result of the...
Discover moreGaming in support of dementia research
Northumbria University researchers have co-developed an award-winning mobile game...
Discover moreHarnessing talent through global mobility
New insights into global talent mobility
Discover moreHelping children better understand the careers they can have
A new Workplace Investigation Framework that stretches beyond mere ‘site visits’ allows children to gain deeper insight into the changing world of work...
Discover moreHelping people regain full and pain-free use of their bodies
What do astronauts and people with lower back problems have in common...?
Discover moreHelping the NHS to adopt new approaches to mental health care
Mental health care needs a radical shift to move away from treating the symptoms of physical and emotional abuse...
Discover moreImproving Parkinson's disease support services
The care of people with Parkinson’s (PwP) has been an understudied area of research until now.
Discover moreImproving performance of Team GB Cyclists
Olympic athletes perform at the highest level of human capacity, and achieving further improvements is a challenging task. So, how do you improve already world-class performance?
Discover moreInforming choices and building aspirations - STEM careers in the North East
Why is there a tendency for girls, young people from working class backgrounds and minority ethnic groups to shun careers in science, technology, engineering and maths...?
Discover moreInspiring race relations conversations in the North East of England
In 1967, Martin Luther King, stood in Newcastle University’s King’s Hall to receive an Honorary Doctorate in Civil Law...
Discover moreIntegrating housing, health and care services effectively allows older people to stay independent in their own homes for longer
Supporting an individual to remain living in their own home as they age, rather than moving into residential care...
Discover moreMapping the needs of veterans across the UK
The wellbeing of ex-servicemen and women in the UK has become a national focus in recent years, with the Armed Forces, NHS and charities working hard to design and offer support...
Discover moreNew child safeguarding measures implemented following academic case reviews
Newborns and children under a year old are particularly susceptible to abuse and neglect.
Discover moreNew people-centred global policies prepare communities better for diasasters
Research into people-centred approaches to disaster risk reduction has informed global policy and increased the resilience of vulnerable communities...
Discover morePioneering theatre project builds resilience and changes attitudes towards inequality
Cutting-edge research is providing theatre audiences worldwide with new opportunities to understand and remember the consequences of war, ethnic cleansing, persecution and population displacement...
Discover morePubs toasted as anchors of rural communities
Despite declining numbers, rural pubs play an important part in community cohesion
Discover moreRaising the bar on care delivery for older people
System-wide change is needed in order to provide effective services to an ageing population
Discover moreReaping the benefits of student business consultants
Compared to other regions in the UK, businesses in the North East of England are particularly vulnerable to economic and political upheavals...
Discover moreReducing health inequalities
Compared to the general population, socially marginalised groups, such as Gypsy and Traveller communities, suffer from poorer health and lower life expectancy...
Discover moreReducing the damaging impact of everyday bordering on society
UK residents are increasingly being asked to prove their immigration status in a wide range of everyday settings...
Discover moreResearch opens doors for migrant workers
In one recent year alone, the police recorded more than 49,000 incidences of race hate crimes. And in the month following the EU referendum, with just over half of the UK voting for Brexit, the number of racially or religiously aggravated offences almost doubled compared to the same month in the previous year...
Discover moreResearch reveals hidden prejudice against Northern English accents
Research into deeply embedded language-based prejudice has shown that while explicit biases against Northern English accents tend to be held with less intensity by English nationals, their implicit biases are much stronger...
Discover moreSetting the scene for genre cinema's new direction
In recent years, the content of horror, fantasy and sci-fi films has gained educational credibility...
Discover moreShaping science and the future through principal investigator training
Principal investigators are influential actors in universities and public research systems. They not only design research projects and manage their implementation, but they also coordinate actors within research programmes, and bridge the gap between academia, business and industry...
Discover moreShared experience empowers girls in North East
Promoting the well-being and self-esteem of young people in disadvantaged areas of the North East
Discover moreSharing learning from practice to improve patient safety
According to the World Health Organisation, the safety of healthcare is a major global concern, and an inadmissible number of patients are suffering from preventable harm...
Discover moreSpecialised digital learning platforms help low level adult migrants to integrate
Teaching low-literate, culturally diverse learners to read, write and speak the language of the country in which they have resettled can offer the best opportunities for integration...
State-of-the-art solutions help decision makers manage built and natural environments
The effective management and development of built and natural environments has always been a challenge for decision makers...
Discover moreStrengthening global water management efforts
By 2050, water shortages could affect as many as 5 billion people worldwide. World-leading research from Northumbria University’s Law School is being utilised by the United Nations.
Discover moreSupporting social change through culturally-aware design in Asia-Pacific
Dynamic international partnerships delivering social impact in Asia-Pacific regions
Discover moreTackling corruption in Nigeria
An innovative team of researchers from Northumbria University’s Business School has brought anti-corruption agencies in Nigeria together
Discover moreTalking about the First World War - Beyond the Trenches
New perspectives on World War One...
Discover moreThe health case for Universal Basic Income: transforming policy making and showing political and financial feasibility
We live in an age of crisis. Increasingly, there is understanding that the bases of our crises are material in nature: financial insecurity, poverty and inequality. Research at Northumbria has demonstrated the link between health and income, and persuaded policymakers and politicians of UBI’s health, social and economic benefits.
Discover moreTowards a justice system that addresses the needs of vulnerable victims and offenders
People who offend are often some of the most vulnerable in society, experiencing a range of issues from homelessness and abuse to mental illness, addiction and communication difficulties...
Discover moreTransforming public services through the Human Learning Systems approach
Researchers at Newcastle Business School are transforming public services through an alternative management approach, entitled ‘Human Learning Systems’...
Discover moreTransforming the construction industry through Building Information Modelling
The construction sector worldwide is in the process of a technical revolution facilitated by digitalisation...
Discover moreUncovering the longstanding literary culture of North East England
When the Arts Council of Great Britain set up its first regional boards across the country in 1960, officials in London came to the conclusion that the North East of England was a “cultural desert”...
Discover moreUnderstanding British diaspora communities adds an important frame of reference for Brexit
Research into English and Scottish migrant communities sparks wider debate...
Discover moreUsing digital skills in classrooms to increase engagement and support remote learning
Boosting the use of digital technology and the digital skills of educators and children in Nigeria
Discover moreUsing multiple perspectives to develop innovative healthcare technology
Innovative technological healthcare solutions to treat diabetic eye disease at home...
Discover moreUsing policy and public outreach to tackle green crimes
Wildlife trafficking is one of the leading threats to the survival of species globally, damaging the livelihood of people who are reliant on wildlife for sustenance, income and shelter...
Discover moreUsing service design to enhance the impact of charities
Research is showing that service design can help charities improve their service without incurring more time, stress or money...
Discover moreWind farms and tourism debate in rural Northumberland
Do onshore wind farms negatively affect the landscape?
Discover moreWriting the Regional Powerhouse: championing diversity in contemporary publishing
Northumbria research has revealed the barriers that writers face in getting published today...
Discover more