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Dr Katri Cornelissen

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology

Faculty Director of Transnational Education, Academic Lead for St George's Medical School partnership and Assistant Professor at the Psychology Department, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University.

In the position of Faculty Director of Transnational Education, ensuring the quality of health and life science programmes, such as psychology, sports science, applied science and nursing programmes run globally in partnership with Northumbria University. Partnerships in countries such as Singapore, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and Spain amongst others. Development of new partnerships globally for educational delivery.

In the position of the Lead of St George's Medical School partnership, ensuring seamless collaboration between Northumbria University and St George's University for the programme development and teaching provision and quality assurance amongst other academic aspects. St George's Medican School has three main sites globally, with the main site in Grenada, West Indies, and runs independent medical school education, producing high quality graduates mainly to US market.

Most recent research in body image, body image distortion and eating disorders as well as stimulus development for investigation of perceptual component of body image distortion. Prior clinical work in acute and chronic brain injuries and eating disorders, along with prior research in neuromagnetic correlates of rehabilitation and language, specifically naming and anomia treatment. Supervision of PhD students in body image related projects. Supervision of dissertations and postgraduate thesis. Teaching Eating Disorders to both medical students and psychology students.

Katri Cornelissen

Campus Address

Northumberland Building NB350
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Transnational Education, Medical School Education, Body Image, Eating Disorders, Rehabilitation, Anorexia Nervosa, Muscle Dysmorphia

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Evidence for a specific distortion in perceptual body image in eating disorders: a replication and extension, Brokjøb, L., Cornelissen, P., Gumančík, J., McCarty, K., Tovée, M., Cornelissen, K. 22 Nov 2024, In: PLoS One
  • Testing the validity of online psychophysical measurement of body image perception, Gumančík, J., Cornelissen, P., Brokjøb, L., Ridley-Gamble, B., McCarty, K., Tovee, M., Cornelissen, K. 10 Jun 2024, In: PLoS One
  • The ‘ideal’ dancer: An investigation into predictors of body image dissatisfaction among male dancers, female dancers and their non-dancing counterparts, Boyes, J., Cornelissen, K. 7 Nov 2024, In: PLoS One
  • Men’s perception of current and ideal body composition and the influence of media internalisation on body judgements, Groves, V., Ridley, B., Cornelissen, P., Maalin, N., Mohamed, S., Kramer, R., McCarty, K., Tovee, M., Cornelissen, K. 2 May 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychology
  • Internalizing Minority Stress: Gender Dysphoria, Minority Stress and Psychopathology in a Norwegian Transgender Population, Cornelissen, K., Brokjøb, L. 1 Sep 2022, In: Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  • The Effect of Own Body Concerns on Judgments of Other Women’s Body Size, Cornelissen, K., Brokjøb, L., Gumančík, J., Lowdon, E., McCarty, K., Irvine, K., Tovée, M., Cornelissen, P. 6 May 2022, In: Frontiers in Psychology
  • Fat talk is predicted by body dissatisfaction and social comparison with no interaction effect: Evidence from two replication studies, Pollet, T., Dawson, S., Tovée, M., Cornelissen, P., Cornelissen, K. 1 Sep 2021, In: Body Image
  • Women’s self-estimates of body size are more accurate and precise when made with three-quarter view than front-view stimuli, Cornelissen, P., Brokjøb, L., Gumančík, J., Cornelissen, K. 1 Sep 2021, In: Body Image
  • Engagement with fat talk as a function of social comparison and body image concerns: Two replication studies support main effects but do not support an interaction effect, Cornelissen, K., Pollet, T., Tovee, M., Cornelissen, P., Dawson, S. 17 Jun 2020, In: PsyArXiv
  • Using immersive virtual reality to modify body image, Irvine, K., Invine, A., Maalin, N., McCarty, K., Cornelissen, K., Tovee, M., Cornelissen, P. 1 Jun 2020, In: Body Image

Vicki Groves What is the nature of body image distortion in men and how do we begin to alleviate the symptoms? Start Date: 01/10/2019

National and international research collaboration (e.g., Lincoln University, Norway, Germany, Australia).

Transnational educational activity globally.

  • Psychology PhD
  • MSc
  • MA
  • BA (Hons)
  • BSc (Hons)
  • Higher Education Teaching Fellow HEF

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