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Centre for Digital Supply Chain Excellence Launch

Newcastle Business School


Centre for Digital Supply Chain Excellence Launch

The Centre is a physical and digital space attached to the Research Group, the Department of Marketing, Operations and Systems (MOS) and Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University. Our vision in the Centre is to provide a bespoke physical and digital hub to co-create innovation, impact and knowledge in digital supply chain and operation excellence. Our mission is to promote inter-disciplinary approach for human-led data-driven co-creation of innovation, impact and knowledge to excel the supply chain and operations of any business from any sector with various sizes. We invite any public or private organisation from any sector with various sizes to join us in the Centre for any collaborative work e.g. networking, funded-projects, CPD courses, consultancy, etc. 

Our Centre for Digital Supply Chain Excellence is a unique bespoke one stop shop in the entire North of England that is sector-independent  promoting integration of digitalisation, excellence and sustainability in the context of operations, supply chain management and digital marketing. It is a clear example of our ambition towards creating dent in the existing business models specially towards digitalisation and excellence of their supply chain and operations. We listen to the organisations to conduct world-class and bespoke collaborative research and education activities solving problems emerged from their real world experience. Our Centre is a bespoke space for organisation to visit us, network with us, and co-create impact, knowledge and innovation with our academic staff in the Research Group.

This event is now full

Should you wish to find out more and engage with us please complete the register your interest form below:

Event Details

Newcastle Business School
City Campus East 1
Room 403
Newcastle upon Tyne


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