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SPIN Kit & Equipment

Contact UsNorthumbria's Synthesis and Polymer Innovation Facility has a range of equipment and technology available.

Browse the drop down sections below for a comprehensive list of our equipment and typical uses. Please contact us to discuss your requirements in more detail.

   Section  Sub Category  Equipment  Typical Use
 1 Synthesis + Processing  Molecular Synthetic Chemistry Facilities for Small Molecule Synthesis  Preparation of novel molecules, functionalisation of materials.
 2 Synthesis + Processing  Polymer Polymer Synthesis and Scale-up Equipment to multi kilo scale   Preparation of novel or modified polymers for subsequent processing and qualification testing.
 3 Synthesis + Processing  Extrusion

Filament extruder and spooler for thermoplastic polymers 

Compounding of formulations.
 4 Synthesis + Processing  Coating

Spin-coater and Jetlab2 inkjet coater

Preparation of samples for test purposes.
 5 Synthesis + Processing  Printing

3D printing facility used for developing new polymers for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Multi Jet (MJ) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) 

Preparation of components. 

   Section  Sub Category  Equipment  Typical Use
 6 Analysis Mass Spectroscopy

Molecular analysis by HPLC-MS, GCMS and pyGCMS. “-Omic” level workflows and data analysis available




Surface reflectance UV/vis, Raman and fluorescence spectrometer (including portable equipment)

Identification of surface features.



FTIR spectroscopy (including NIR)


Identification of unknown materials. Following reaction kinetics via loss of functional groups.




Surface analysis by FTIR microscopy, microspectrophotometry and confocal microscopy. Inhouse access to surface analysis by SEM. Time lapse imaging and data analysis.

Preparation of samples for test purposes.



Elemental analysis by ICP, AA and XRF (fixed and portable). Inhouse access to surface analysis by SEM-EDX




Multidetector Gel Permeation Chromatography 

Molecular weight determination.

 12 Analysis Modulus

Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis

Determination of mechanical properties over a broad temperature range.  

Assessment of crosslink density of polymer thermosets.  

Determination of extremely short and extremely long timescale mechanical behaviour.





Instron Tensile Tester  Determination of elastic properties, modulus, fracture toughness.



Elcometer stud-pull adhesion tester  

Quantification of adhesion. 



  Differential Scanning Calorimetry   Measurement of thermodynamic transitions (glass transition, melting/crystallisation).

Quantification of reaction kinetics.




Thermal Gravimetric Analysis

Measurement of weight loss under heating, identification of volatile materials.




Dynamic Contact Angle Instrumentation  


   Section  Sub Category  Equipment  Typical Use
 18 In-Service Testing  

Controlled release leaching tank, tergotomer and dissolution baths 

 19 Modelling  

Remotely accessible, high performance PC cluster running soft matter modelling through calculations and simulations 


Contact us via the form below for more information on our equipment or to discuss your requirements in more detail.


Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

At Northumbria University, our higher and degree apprenticeships are more than a learning programme; they are a partnership. We work with organisations to create courses that meet the demands of businesses.



CPD and Short Courses

Our Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses are designed to open up exciting new possibilities for individuals and organisations. By increasing skills and knowledge and introducing new ways of thinking and working we create impact in performance at all levels.

Is your business ready to take on tomorrow?


The world is changing faster than ever before. The future is there to be won by organisations who find ways to turn today’s possibilities into tomorrow’s competitive edge.

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