AC7123 - Assessment, Surveillance, and Intervention for Specialist Public Health Practice (Full Time)

What will I learn on this module?

You will learn how to conduct assessments, surveillance, and interventions utilising validated tools in specialist practice and explore and apply contemporary theory to a range of biopsychosocial and challenging situations surrounding infant/child, parents and carers. Utilising a range of knowledge, understanding and skills, you will learn to identify both normal and atypical patterns of infant/child development or anomalies, applying strategies to manage identified risks. Through risk management and family approaches, you will learn to take strength based and trauma informed approaches to evaluate the effects of childhood trauma. You will learn to be adaptable to different cultures and environments and appreciate intergenerational cycles of deprivation and vulnerability. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate, and apply advancedlevel communication, motivational interviewing, and interpersonal skills within theory and practice to address the wider determinants of health.
Using the evidence-base from contemporary research, policy, and new and emerging technologies, including genetics, genomics and epigenetics, you will learn how to make effective observations and intervention plans which positively influence health and well-being, providing effective health promotion and prevention strategies.
Through field specific Action Leaning Sets (ALS) you will critically analyse, evaluate, synthesise and apply the evidence related to:
Health Visiting - the health and wellbeing of parents, carers, families, infants and children. This will include topics such as the mental health in the perinatal period, promote healthy development of infants/children, initiate person-centred interventions appropriately to minimise risks through promotion of healthy relationships.
School Nursing - home, school and community life of school aged children and young people. This will include topics such as addressing the intergenerational cycles of dependency and adversity through identifying protective factors, early help and interventions, recognising assumptions, biases and stigma that have an impact on school aged children and young people, mental health and wellbeing, sexual health and the impact of social media in cyber-bullying, sexting and exploitation.

How will I learn on this module?

This module has a transformational pedagogical approach and is underpinned by Northumbria University Universal Design for Learning principles. Within a positive learning environment, you will engage in self-directed learning, critical evaluation, reflection, knowledge, skills acquisition, and collaborative working, which underpins and shapes teaching and learning on your programme of study. The module will be delivered through a combination of Technology-Enhanced Learning, e-learning materials, using an electronic platform known as Blackboard Ultra. This is supported by guided study, seminars, practical workshops, simulation, simulated practice learning, scenario-based activities and tutorials. Simulated learning will be used as a teaching methodology and simulated practice learning experiences, which are designed to enable you to develop knowledge and skills in some of the complex areas of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) practice, such as safeguarding and care following bereavement. Action learning sets are incorporated into the delivery to provide field specific learning and are facilitated by academic staff and practice staff with knowledge and experience in the context of Health Visiting or School Nursing.
Your field specific action learning sets will enable you to apply context within your specialist area.
Authentic formative assessments embedded within the module prepare you for summative assessment requirements. All assessments within the programme will be operated in accordance with standard operating procedures and marked and moderated in accordance with the Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA), ensuring the academic standards required for student awards are met. The assessment strategy addresses both the theoretical and practical elements of the module, and your summative assessment will be an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Practice Assessment Document (PAD). The programme utilises a core lecture and applied seminar approach across the Health Visiting and School Nursing specialisms. You will be required to attend the seminars that are identified as being a core component of your recognised curriculum or standard. Students will be required to complete the assessment applied to their programme specialism.
You will also develop and be able to demonstrate appropriate knowledge, skills and experiences associated with specialist practice through clinical placement, underpinned by the clinical and managerial expertise of your Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor and supported by your Academic Assessor. Using a variety of robust evidence sources, you will demonstrate successful achievement of the Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2022).

How will I be supported academically on this module?

You will be supported by the module team, who will guide your academic learning and assessment throughout the module. The Module Lead will provide you with an overview of the module, guide you in your studies, and offer opportunities to discuss content, issues, and assessment feedback. Constructive feedback is given on both formative and summative components. Blackboard Ultra supports each module, and all modules adhere to the university’s standards. The site includes module information, assessment information, PowerPoint presentations and e-lectures, reading lists and relevant web links. A discussion board is available to the cohort, through which students can post comments and ask questions of their peers while they are not on campus. As identified above, peer support is encouraged and facilitated via the small group system embedded within this module and your programme of study. A large group tutorial will help you prepare for the summative assessment. Your Programme Lead and Personal Tutor are also available to offer guidance on academic support throughout the programme.
The University Libraries offer an extensive collection of hard copy and electronic material, access to international databases and training in information retrieval. A variety of study-skills-related help sheets and online videos can be found on the library Skills Plus site. You can also access a range of student support and wellbeing services via Student Central or by accessing the student life and wellbeing pages and Ask4Help via your electronic student portal.
You will also have an allocated Personal Tutor who will provide advice and support in relation to academic, procedural, and (where desired and appropriate) personal matters during the programme of study you have enrolled on. You will have access to 24/7 generic IT support and specific support from the programme team with any specific IT issues related to the e-learning packages.

What will I be expected to read on this module?

All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.

What will I be expected to achieve?

Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Using simulation and practice-based scenarios relevant to your specialist field of practice, synthesise a range of evidence and conduct a thorough, concise, and accurate assessment, assimilate the results and formulate an intervention plan.
2. Interpret, understand, and critically evaluate contemporary evidence to make sound judgments, making recommendations for interventions in practice.
Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:
3. Demonstrate critical application and ability to apply advanced knowledge and skills to articulate, document and defend your decisions and judgements.
4. Critical presentation of advanced level communication and interpersonal skills to a range of audiences, including peers,
colleagues and people who use service s and the interprofessional team.
5. Demonstrate critical evaluation of your progress as a specialist practitioner articulating and presenting relevant evidence to others.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA): 6. Work independently and in collaboration with peers, colleagues and people who use services to assess , synthesise and lead interventions in care in accordance with legal, professional, and ethical principles.

How will I be assessed?

Formative assessment:
Part 1: There will be an opportunity to participate in a simulated practice assessment with your peer group before the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). (MLOs 1,2,3,4,5,6)
Group tutorials will provide the opportunity for informal peer feedback and discussion of intervention plans relevant to your area of practice.
Part 2: Practice Assessment Document: At each progress review meeting (every three months), you are required to present your evidence to your practice and academic assessors, receive feedback on your progress in practice, and discuss your aims and objectives for the next stage of your practice learning.
Formative assessment opportunities prepare you for summative assessment of practice.
Guidance will be given about the nature of evidence and structure of the Practice Assessment Document during seminars and tutorials and on the module e-learning platform Blackboard Ultra (MLOs 1,2,3,4).
Summative assessments:
Part 1: This will be an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), assessing your ability to use advanced communication skills and motivational interviewing strategies to complete an individual physical and biopsychosocial assessment. You will summarise your findings and devise an intervention plan in partnership with the carer/parent of a preschool child (HV) or with a school -age child (SN)
During this assessment , you will be expected to complete two stations each allocated forty minutes, eighty minutes in total.
Station 1: A 40 -minute assessment using a simulated scenario.
Station 2: A 40 -minute written assessment component demonstrating underpinning knowledge of evidence -based decision - making and evaluation.
Both stations will be relevant to your area of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing
(HV) or (SN) practice (MLOs 1,2,3,4,5,6).
Marks and written feedback will be provided electronically via Turnitin within Blackboard Ultra.
Part 2: Practice Assessment Document
You are required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council to produce an ongoing record of achievement demonstrating that you have achieved the Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (NMC , 2022). This is assessed as evidence demonstrated in your Practice Assessment Document (PAD). This is a pass/fail component of the programme. (MLOs 1,2,3,4,5,6)





Module abstract

This core year-long module focuses on assessment, surveillance, and intervention in specialist practice for those on the Post Graduate Diploma Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (HV) or (SN). You will explore and apply contemporary theory to a range of biopsychosocial and challenging situations using practice-based and simulated scenarios pertinent to your field of practice. You will identify and apply strategies to manage and identify risks and develop specialist knowledge, cultural competence, critical thinking, and decision making skills in person-centred holistic surveillance and assessments. Communicating at advanced level findings, atypical patterns or anomalies to co-design and develop strategies for targeted intervention utilising with individual families and young people. Learning will be supported by e-lectures, interactive seminars, simulations, and group tutorials. This module will prepare you for your specialist role with knowledge, skills and values desired in the workplace. The summative assessment for this module is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and a Practice Assessment Document (PAD).

Course info

Credits 40

Level of Study Postgraduate

Mode of Study 1 year Full Time
1 other options available

Location Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University

City Newcastle

Fee Information

Module Information

All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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