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The Northumbria Emerging Leaders Programme – Women Leaders of Tomorrow is meticulously developed to empower women to advance in their careers. Through a comprehensive programme, participants gain vital management and leadership skills, fostering a deep understanding of their potential while providing them with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate existing barriers and career challenges.

This 12-week leadership programme is designed for women in or aspiring to be in a leadership position in private, public and third sector organisations, including those who have been or are currently on a career break.

The program teaches key leadership and management knowledge and skills and introduces participants to strategies and tools developed to equip them to understand their potential and the power of female leadership. Reflecting on individual strengths, developing strong strategic networking skills, understanding individual leadership style and developing strong communication and negotiation skills are key themes that will be covered in this programme that is delivered by assistant professors, coaches, and industry professionals.

With a maximum cohort size of 15, the programme fosters an engaging learning environment. In-person sessions allow for meaningful interaction with facilitators and peers, maximising the learning experience. Through collaborative learning and group coaching sessions, participants enhance their self-awareness, experience a sense of belonging and explore their identity as female leaders as well as building a robust and supportive network.  

Enhance your leadership and management skills within a supportive cohort, unlocking your full leadership potential to progress in your career and drive meaningful change within your organisation.

Benefit for organisations:

Research spanning decades shows that gender-balanced leadership brings diverse perspectives, improves communication, enhances decision-making and problem-solving within organisations, and ultimately increases profitability.

Despite progress, achieving equal representation in leadership remains a challenge. According to the UN Sustainability Development Goals Report 2023, it will take 140 years to achieve equal representation in leadership in the workplace. This course serves as a strategic tool for organisations to progress towards strategic goals while enhancing profitability and maintaining competitiveness.


A leadership and management CPD programme designed to create social and economic impact for organisations, society and our region.


UN Sustainability Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

5.1: Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life Indicators



Course Information

Delivery Method In Person

On Campus, Northumbria University City Centre

Start TBC

12 weeks

Leadership and Management


All sessions take place on a Thursday from 9:30-14:00 and are split into a morning and an afternoon topic.

Day 1: Introduction/Meaningful Work

Day 2: Networking/Group Coaching

Day 3: Authentic Leadership/Guest Speaker

Day 4: Communication & Negotiation/Group Coaching

Day 5: Strategy/Change

Day 6: Data/Future of Work

Please note: the schedule may be subject to change.

This course is delivered at the Northumbria University city campus over 12 weeks (six days).

Min 3 years of working experience

  • Understand existing barriers in the workplace for women to progress in their career and learn tools and strategies that can help to overcome those.
  • To gain overall understanding of effective leadership and develop your leadership style to maximise impact.
  • To strengthen confidence and self-awareness through reflective learning.
  • Develop the ability to express thoughts and opinions confidently and learn techniques for clear and direct communication and negotiation.
  • Understanding the range of benefits of networking and defining your own networking objectives
  • Understand the importance of using data for effective decision making and leadership

If you are interested in booking this course please register your interest and a member of our team will be in touch regarding booking. If you have any further questions please email

Please register your interest for this course and we will be in touch once we have confirmed dates.

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* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here

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