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Physical Activity & Exercise for Health Across the Lifespan

Physical activity engagement is associated with better clinical outcomes in community-dwelling ageing individuals and is therefore important for longevity. Sport, exercise and physical activity as such can have a role in promoting health and wellbeing, prevent or delay chronic conditions, help those living with chronic conditions or disability to manage symptoms such as fatigue and disability, and stimulate inclusivity and participation for all. It is thus important to understand how we can contribute with our research to a healthy society, and to offering inclusive sport and exercise opportunities for all. Topics we explore relate to developing exercise interventions, underpinning mechanisms of exercise and exercise motivation, exploring the potential of VR and wearables as well as social factors, policy interactions, physical activity promotion, children physical activity and adapted physical activity. 

We are a multi-disciplinary research group with a focus on both understanding underpinning mechanisms as well as on developing societal impact and useful applications. Expertise ranges from (neuro)physiological underpinnings of exercise interventions and motivation, to expertise on development of complex exercise and health interventions, to psychosocial approaches to explore inclusivity, equality and impact, and how we can use qualitative and quantitative research approaches to involve our stakeholders in research designs to increase their relevance. 

Academic Team

PGRs / Thesis Title / Submission Year

  • Martin Ackah / Exploring principles of fatigue management, activity pacing and self-regulation in persons with chronically fatiguing conditions / 2026
  • Ioulia Barakou / Self-regulation and physical activity behaviour in individuals who are experiencing fatigue symptoms: designing a tailored intervention to promote physical activity through optimizing activity pacing / 2025
  • Sam Dixon / How does physical activity affect the cognition and academic achievement of preadolescent children? A mixed methods approach / 2024
  • Mohammed Khudair / Implicit processes underlying the self-regulation of physical activity behaviour in children / 2024
  • Joyce Omojor-Oche / Barriers and motivators to uptake of physical activity amongst children of ethnic minority groups in Newcastle upon Tyne / 2025
  • Katherine Wilkin / Understanding the role of online yoga and mindfulness in primary education during crises / 2028

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