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Professor Tim J Wilson


Department: Northumbria Law School

Tim Wilson’s academic interests and funded research include the governance of forensic bioinformation, the role and organisation of forensic science and medicine, transnational offending, international criminal justice cooperation and institutions, criminal justice resource allocation and marketization within the criminal justice system.

The focus of these collaboratively conducted inquiries is how various interfaces between law, ethics, science and medicine, geography, economics and politics evolve as a result of (a) increasing globalisation within societies and (b) exposure to rapid technological development. More recently he has become involved in parliamentary, professional and academic deliberations about the consequences for criminal justice of Brexit.

Since joining the University Professor Wilson has worked with colleagues in developing a multidisciplinary programme of research (resulting in grant income of approximately 600,000) funded by the European Commission and various research councils, including ESRC. This has covered aspects of international criminal justice cooperation involving forensic biometrics and has now been extended to the policing of part of the Dark Web.

As well as being a frequent contributor at national and international academic conferences and meetings, Professor Wilson is committed to sharing insights from his research in public engagement. In January 2017 he was invited together with Francis FitzGibbon QC, Chair, Criminal Bar Association and Michael Gray, Chair, the Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association to give oral evidence to the House of Commons Justice Select Committee’s inquiry on Implications of Brexit for the justice system (The Committee’s report can be accessed at Some of the issues discussed at the hearing had been covered earlier in a chapter about international forensic science cooperation commissioned for the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser’s 2015 Annual Report Forensic Science and Beyond: Authenticity, Provenance and Assurance: Evidence and Case Studies.

Professor Wilson joined the School of Law in September 2012 and is a member of Northumbria Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies (NCECJS).

Previously he was Professor of Forensic Sciences and Public Policy in the former School of Life Sciences of Northumbria University. He has also served as the lay chair of the Home Office sponsored Forensic Pathology Disciplinary Committee and for several years was a Visiting Fellow at the PEALS (Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences) research centre at Newcastle University.

Professor Wilson was made a Fellow of the Forensic Science Society (now the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences) in 2011. He is a member of the European Criminal Law Association (UK) and the Socio-Legal Studies Association.

Prior to his academic career Professor Wilson was a member of the Senior Civil Service. After graduating (with the Joseph Hamwee Prize) in history from Aberystwyth and joining the Civil Service Fast Stream he undertook a wide variety of policy work, mainly in the Home Office, relating to criminal justice issues, including resource management, criminal justice infrastructure development, and forensic science and pathology. His international experience included serving as an adviser on criminal justice infrastructure procurement in South Africa during the Mandela presidency and a secondment to the ILO (International labour Organisation) for an EU funded transition programme in Russia.

He has given oral evidence on several occasions to select committees at Westminster and has briefed parliamentary delegations from France, Russia, South Africa and Japan on criminal justice and public infrastructure issues. He has lectured on six continents at events organised by the FCO, DFID, the British Council, the African Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, universities, business schools, a Canadian think tank and commercial bodies such as Adam Smith Conferences.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Corrected oral evidence: Electronic border management systems: Tuesday 16 April 2024 , Wilson, T., Vavoula, N. 19 Apr 2024
  • Digital Forensics within the Criminal Justice System: Use, Effectiveness, and Impact, Griffiths, C., Piasecki, E., Carr, S., Anderson, P., Wilson, T. 15 Mar 2024
  • House of Lords, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, Corrected oral evidence: Electronic border management systems: Evidence Session No. 8, Questions 99 – 109, Wilson, T., Vavoula, N. 16 Apr 2024
  • House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee, Electronic border management systems inquiry: Professor Tim J Wilson, FCSFS, Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies, Northumbria University Law School — Written evidence (EBM0006), Wilson, T. 14 Mar 2024
  • House of Lords Justice and Open Affairs Committee: Electronic Border Management Inquiry: Professor Tim J Wilson, Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies, Northumbria University Law School —  Supplementary written evidence (EBM0024), Wilson, T. 22 Apr 2024
  • Preventing Machines From Lying: Why Interdisciplinary Collaboration is Essential for Understanding Artefactual or Artefactually Dependent Expert Evidence, Wilson, T., Bergman, J., Jackson, A., Popov, O. 1 Apr 2024, In: The Journal of Criminal Law
  • Prisoner Transfer Between the UK and EU27: A ‘Striking’ Omission from the TCA?, Wilson, T. 26 Nov 2023, UK-EU Police and Judicial Cooperation Post-Brexit, London, Hart Publishing
  • EU-UK criminal justice and security cooperation after Brexit: A Perspective, Wilson, T. 2021, In: Forensic Science International: Synergy
  • Over-optimistic and over-sold: The UK ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation) system, Wilson, T. 14 Jun 2021
  • Prisoner Transfer within the Irish-UK Common Travel Area (CTA) after Brexit: human rights between politics and penal reform, Wilson, T. 1 Apr 2021, In: The Journal of Criminal Law

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Other: House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee 2024
  • Other: Conservative European Forum 2023
  • Other: PDTOR Research Project: Evidence submitted to Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into Policing Priorities 2022
  • Invited talk: Change and Continuity in Cross-border Digital Evidence Collection: Possible Lessons from Post-Brexit EU-UK Cooperation 2021
  • Oral presentation: 'Critical trust' as a reformative principle in criminal justice 2018
  • Oral presentation: Oral evidence by Professor Tim Wilson to the House of Lords European Union Committee Sub-Committee F (Home Affairs) inquiry Brexit the proposed UK-EU security treaty 2018
  • Other: Oral Evidence by Professor Tim Wilson to the House of Commons Justice Committee inquiry into Implications of Brexit for the justice system 2017
  • Other: Oral Evidence by Tim Wilson, to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union Sub-Committee F (Home Affairs) inquiry into Europol, 18 June 2008 2008

History BA (Hons) September 01 1969

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