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The Teaching and Learning Pedagogical Research Team (TeLePRT) is housed within the Department of Applied Sciences and is actively forging links with colleagues across the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences as well as the wider University. Bringing together like-minded academics who share a passion for the enhancement of teaching practice, this group provides a mutually supportive environment to enable members to maximise the benefits of their endeavours. 

Pedagogical research encompasses a wide range of topics relating to the enhancement of teaching and learning activities for the development of both student experience and upskilling of staff who engage with students, including both academic and technical colleagues as well as providing continuing professional development activities to the wider market. 

Get in touch

We are looking to expand this group and work with like-minded colleagues across Northumbria University and beyond. If you would like to find out more about the projects we are currently working on or would like to become a member of the TeLePRT, please contact Dr Eleanor Graham (

Team members 

Dr Suad Awad’s main interests include the design of assessment and feedback practices. She is also interested in how students learn, and what approaches they adopt towards their own learning.

Dr Anna Black’s main areas of interest include; assessing the impact of Foundation Year on the long term academic performance of students and the development of support packages for estranged or care experienced students.

Dr Ruth Croxton has a primary interest in the use of technology to enhance student learning and experience. Previous projects have included the development of pre-lab learning resources to help students prepare for laboratory practicals and the development of virtual reality crime scenes for training students and the police.

Dr Eleanor Graham’s current areas of interest include, building academic resilience, embedding employability with the curriculum as well exploring staff and student opinion on the blended learning environment. Dr Graham is also the research group lead. 

Dr Helen Hooper has projects active in the development of professional identity in academic and professional staff and students as well as promoting and supporting work related learning, enterprise and creativity in STEM.

Dr Alan Langford has projects active in the deployment of tablets in labs for housing lab activity such as instructions, simulation, notetaking, writing, drawing, images capture, data analysis and submission in lab environment. He is also interested in the development of virtual reality to provide an immersive learning experience for students as well as the development of CPD activities for professional in fields such as crime scene investigation. 

Dr Seth Racey’s interests are related to the pedagogies behind modernising the curriculum and the delivery of blended online and face to face courses.  Particular interest has been on the enhancement of laboratory sessions through online delivery of STEM courses through Journal of Visualised Experiments, LABster lab simulations and self-created video recordings of lab procedures. Further to this Dr Racey is interested in enhancing the cap stone final year project module by fostering autonomous learners through a student directed project conference. Additionally, he has championed the development of higher level MCQs as a way of assessing larger cohorts.

Assoc Prof Patrick Randolph-Quinney’s main areas of interest include Immersive learning environments, virtual/augmented reality and teaching methods in the post-COVID world.

Dr Stephany Veuger holds an MA in Education leadership and is teaching excellence lead for the department of Applied Sciences, She has research experience of a wide variety of pedagogical themes including; eLearning, academic literacies, peer support (currently developing a faculty wide scheme), EDIA and decolonising the curriculum (she is curriculum strand lead of the Northumbria decolonising Network). Stephany often includes students as partners in curriculum development as she believes that partnership is a process for developing engaged student learning and effective learning and teaching enhancement.

Dr Hannah Walden’s main areas of interest relate to equality, diversity and inclusivity and widening participation. 

Rewarding Excellence in Teaching Awards

2020–21 Dr Eleanor Graham

2019–2020 Dr Stephany Veuger

2016–2017 Dr Helen Hooper & Dr Stephany Veuger 

Teaching/Education Quality Enhancement Funded projects (TQEF/EQEF)

E Graham & A. Langford (2019–2020) £1000. Building Academic Resilience – Enabling our students to Take on Tomorrow

H Hooper, M Cole & A. Bell (2019–2020) £1000. Evaluating a cross disciplinary community of practice and its role in supporting professional identity and practice within STEM*. *Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

S Veuger, S Racey, L Allin. C Bruce, G Case 2018–2019 £3840 Strategic grant Enhancing the undergraduate dissertation experience through students as partners in pedagogical research: A focus on graduate attributes

S Veuger L Cookson, I Robson, L Allin, B Lovell, G Case (2017–2018) £4880. Strategic Collaborative grant. Enhancing the undergraduate dissertation experience through students as partners in pedagogical research 

H Hooper & S Veuger (2016–2017) £1000. Exploring the assessment expectations and preferences of first year University students

S Veuger, I Robson, L Cookson (2015–2016) £1,960. Uncovering expectations and supporting the dissertation journey of final year applied science undergraduate students  

H Hooper. (2015–2016) £2000. Enhancing student volunteering opportunities and the establishing a regional volunteering support network

H Hooper, (2014–2015) £2000. Enhancing volunteering opportunities and evaluating the impact of volunteering on students using a ‘training the trainers’ approach 

Team Member Publications 

Black, A.M., 2021. Vocational and Mature Student Success in Higher Education Foundation Programmes. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, pp.1–17.

Veuger, S. and Racey, S.  (2019). Students as partners : on developing a student led conference to enhance the skills of UG project students, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences. pp 173–192

Veuger. S., Gallagher. S., Creighton, H., Robson, I.,   Ridley, M. and Cookson, L., (2018). Uncovering expectations and perceptions of the final year UG dissertation – supporting the student research journey and enhancing their graduate attributes, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences pp.76–100 

Awad, S. and Cuculescu-Santana, M., 1759. Using learning dimensions within the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) as indicators of academic success in Biosciences. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education ISSN, 667(11), p.2017.











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