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Tutor Profiles

Our students learn from the best – inspirational academic staff with a genuine passion for their subject. Our courses are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice and are shaped by world-leading and internationally excellent research.

Our staff's talent is also recognised by others. Northumbria is now rated in the top 20 in the UK in eleven subjects, and in the top five in three subjects, by the Complete University Guide 2015.

Between 2008 and 2014 we doubled the number of our academic staff submitted for research assessment. We encourage early-career researchers and have a distinctive appeal based on academic excellence, entrepreneurialism and innovation. Our academics balance teaching, research and working with external organisations.

Our professional staff ensure the smooth delivery of the University’s activities. Their work contributes to an outstanding student experience, supports research and underpins successful partnerships and collaborative working with external organisations.

Here are a selection of some of our academic staff who teach within this subject area;

Programme Leader

Dr Joanna Greer | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Jo’s research interests include neuropsychological mechanisms underpinning attention and inhibition. She is also interested in the development of interventions to support emotion recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Teaching staff:

Gill Case | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Gill’s research has focused on measuring self-regulation and underlying physiology in pre-schoolers, and also a number of projects related to emotional development and resilience.

Dr Colin Hamilton | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Colin’s research interests include the identification of the processes underlying visual working memory task performance, and a differential psychology emphasis, looking at individual differences in cognition associated with autistic-like-traits.

Dr Johannes Hönekopp | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Johannes’ interests include research methods (meaning and usefulness of effect sizes, variability of research results across studies) and effects of prenatal testosterone.

Dr Philippa Jackson | Senior Lecturer and Director of the Brain, Performance, and Nutrition Research Centre

Bio: Philippa’s research is broadly focused on investigating the relationship between the diet and brain function and behaviour, with a specific focus on the cognitive and mood effects of omega-3 fatty acids. She has 15 years’ experience conducting nutritional intervention studies, and recently has become interested in nutritional approaches to improving sleep quality.

Dr Deborah McGann | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Deborah’s PhD thesis investigated prospective memory and divided attention. Her research interests now primarily focus on postive psychology, well-being, mindfulness, and mind wandering.

Dr Andrew McNeill | Senior Lecturer

Bio: Andrew gained his PhD studying the discursive construction of political victimhood in Northern Ireland. He has continued with a strong interest in both discursive social psychology and political psychology. His current work includes exploring biases in conflict-research and examining the effects of accents on implicit social attitudes.

Dr Gillian Pepper | Lecturer

Bio: Gillian’s main research interests are around socioeconomic inequalities in health. She uses observational and experimental data to examine differences in factors such as health behaviour, risk perception and biomarkers of health and ageing. She has an interest in the applications of science to policy and has worked with Newcastle City Council, for the Department of Health, and for Newton’s Apple--a charity engaging scientists with policy.

Dr Lisa Thomas | Senior Lecturer and member of the Psychology and Communication Technology (PaCT) Lab

Bio: Lisa is interested in the role of technology in life transitions, particularly parenthood. She is predominantly a qualitative researcher.

Dr Santosh Vijaykumar | Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow

Bio: Santosh’s research focuses on the role of mobile and social media in global health with a focus on infectious disease outbreaks and nutrition. Currently, he leads several research studies on the psychology of online misinformation and public health responses to this global problem.

For further staff insight please see the tutor profiles below 

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