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Projects and Partners

The “Promoting and Preserving Health and Wellbeing” theme, led byProfessor Nicola Adams, serves to improve our understanding of theimportant role that physical activity and optimal nutrition play in theprevention and treatment of physiological deconditioning andlifestyle-related chronic conditions.

This involves several different approaches including systematicreviews to synthesise the existing literature, qualitative studies tounderstand patient experiences and preferences, observational studies todetermine prevalence and empirical studies that include randomisedcontrolled trials, to test the efficacy and effectiveness of exerciseand complex interventions.

Our studies span a range of clinical conditions including cancer,trauma and orthopaedics, pain and fatigue management,cardio-respiratory, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Incollaboration with colleagues from across the Faculty and beyond, wefocus on improving health across the life span, from child health tomaintaining functional independence in elderly populations. Studies areinformed by comprehensive patient and public involvement (PPI) to ensurethat they are focused on outcomes of upmost importance to patients andtheir carers.

We ensure the currency of our work through well-established nationaland international collaborations with the health sector, industry, andfunding stream, such as NIHR (e.g., RfPB; HTA), leading charities (e.g.,MS Society and Parkinson’s UK), NHS trusts, the Dairy Council, and theEuropean Space Agency, amongst others. We also have expertise andstate-of-the-art equipment for analysis of physiological, biomechanical,nutritional and psychological modulation in response to theseinterventions. Our research in this theme transcends disciplineboundaries and is directly aligned to the multidisciplinary researchtheme of Integrated Health and Social Carebeing led by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

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