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Mapping Emergency Responses in 15-minute Neighbourhoods

Understanding the resources needed in response to emergencies in the context of 15-minute neighbourhoods.

Dr Jianfeng Zhao

Project Lead

Architecture and Built Environment Department




Project Themes

Resilience & Sustainability



Understanding the Challenge

The developing climate change crisis and pandemic have again put the concept of '15-minute neighbourhoods/ cities' under soptlight. This is highlighted in the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group's impetus to build cities back better by using this concept. As 15-minute neighbourhoods are more applied in urban planning, there are reported issues, such as bollards restricting the entry of ambulances, that hinder the realisation of its benefits. To better implement this, it is therefore important to understand how the neighbourhoods can effectively respond to emergencies in the time of high uncertainties. 


Our Approach

This project is exploratory in nature, and aims to develop a conceptual framework that depicts the resources 15-neighbourhoods need so that they can better responde to emergencies. To do so, a systematic literature review will be undertaken to identify the constructs of the framework consisting of four themes, namely, agent, task, resource, and knowledge. This will be complemented by a review of gray literature, such as government reports and documents. Following that, an expert review (potentially with the transport planning authority in Shanghai, China) will be conducted to refine and evalute the robustness of the initial framework.   


Key Outcomes

The project lead is guest editoring a special issue on 'Infrastructure Resilience Analysis' for Applied Sciences, covering the theme of '15-minute neighbourhoods'.


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