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Renewable Energy Northeast Universities



Our two Centre's for Doctoral Training - Renewable Energy Northeast Universities (ReNU) and Renewable Energy Northeast Universities Plus (ReNU+) are doctoral training programmes funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and delivered by Northumbria, Durham and Newcastle Universities.

ReNU+ will open in 2025 and run alongside ReNU which was formed in 2019. ReNU has five cohorts of doctoral students with the final cohort completing their 4 year programme in 2027.

ReNU+ is a unique and ambitious programme that will train the next-generation of doctoral carbon champions who are renowned for research excellence and interdisciplinary systemic thinking for Net Zero. The ReNU+ vision is that they will become living examples of a highly skilled workforce delivering an equitable energy transition so that Net Zero is inclusive for all. Projects are due to start in October 2025, and recruitment for the first cohort of ReNU+ doctoral students will begin in Autumn 2024.

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