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Dr Rashid Javed


Department: Newcastle Business School

Rashid Javed

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Female Early Marriage and Son Preference in Pakistan, Mughal, M., Javed, R., Lorey, T. 3 Oct 2023, In: Journal of Development Studies
  • Have a Son, Gain a Voice: Son Preference and Female Participation in Household Decision Making, Javed, R. 1 Dec 2019, In: Journal of Development Studies
  • Changing patterns of son preference and fertility in Pakistan, Javed, R., Mughal, M. 1 Aug 2022, In: Journal of International Development
  • Mother’s age at marriage and gender-differential in child schooling: Evidence from Pakistan, Ashok, S., Mughal, M., Javed, R. 1 Aug 2024, In: Economics and Human Biology
  • Preference for boys and length of birth intervals in Pakistan, Javed, R. Apr 2020, In: Research in Economics
  • Migrants remittances and fertility in the Post-Soviet states, Ibrokhimov, B., Javed, R., Mughal, M. 18 Aug 2023, In: Post-Communist Economies
  • Girls not brides: Evolution of child marriage in Pakistan, Javed, R., Mughal, M. 1 Aug 2021, In: Journal of Public Affairs
  • Improved drinking water, healthier children? Evidence from Pakistan, Javed, R., Mughal, M. 11 Jun 2024, In: International Journal of Social Economics
  • Perturbed nuptiality, delayed fertility: childbirth effects of Covid19, Mughal, M., Javed, R. 1 Dec 2022, In: Journal of Population Research

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