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Charitable Status

Northumbria University is an 'exempt charity' as defined in the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 1996).

Northumbria University is an 'exempt charity' as defined in the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 1996). 

Prior to 2006 most higher education institutions were, as exempt charities considered to be adequately supervised or accountable to another authority, and as a consequence not subject to direct Charity Commission supervision.  The Charities Act 2006 changed the law in this area, requiring exempt charities to be subject to a principal regulator.  On 1 January 2018 the Office for Students (OfS) became the principal regulator for those higher education institutions that are exempt charities.  As an exempt charity that has OfS as its principal regulator, Northumbria is required to publish on its main website a page that constitutes a gateway to specific relevant information:

Legal name and correspondence address

The University's legal name is 'University of Northumbria at Newcastle'. 'Northumbria University' is the trading name of the University.

The main correspondence address is:

Sutherland Building
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne


Instrument and Articles of Government

Trustees (Governors)

Trustees of Charitable Organisations

Board of Governors

Please click here for more information on the Board of Governors

Annual Accounts

Financial Statements

Latest News and Features

Eating Disorder Research Animation Still
Dr Henrik Melin pictured with a life-sized replica of one of the Webb telescope’s 18 individual hexagonal mirrored panels. Image credit: Barry Pells/Northumbria University.
Professor Arlene Astell
Dr David Littlefair and Dr Joanne Atkinson, Deputy and Head of Department for Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing at Northumbria University are joined by public policy researchers, Professor Matthew Johnson, Dr Howard Reed, Dr Elliott Johnson and Dr Graham Stark.
The IDEAS-NET Team (L-R), Dr Eduwin Pakpahan, Professor Tracy Finch, Dr Sebastian Potthoff, Professor Katie Haighton, Professor Angela Bate (Co-Director), Professor Sonia Dalkin (Co-Director), Professor Joanne Gray, Professor Tom Sanders, Dr Jason Scott (Deputy Director), Professor Darren Flynn, Jamie Taylor (Project Manager)
Incubator hub
British Military Uniform
more than human healthcare flyer

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