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Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management

The Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management (GETM) international research interest group is international and focuses on young talent as a key driver of economic development. GETM aims to improve employability and future global talent management by capitalising on entrepreneurialism as a key characteristic in young people.  

Despite a widely recognised importance of young talent, its potential remains largely untapped. Educated, entrepreneurial young people often experience instability in employment, while employers report skills mismatches and difficulties attracting, managing and retaining young talent. GETM aims to address the underlying issues relating to this through its main objective, these are to:  

  • Focus on in-depth research of specific issues from various stakeholder perspectives (e.g., students/graduates, HEIs, employers). 
  • Integrate research outputs and develop GETM across dimensions: generations, genders, disciplines, countries, sectors and stakeholders. 
  • Ensure researcher development, knowledge transfer and dissemination. 
  • Generate research capacity impact through international mobility and collaboration:
    - Provide researchers with first-hand and in-depth insights on specific issues from various perspectives, and
    - Develop research skills through networking and training incorporated into sandpit events  


This research interest group developed from a multi-sector, multi-disciplinary four-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 which brought together 16 industry and academic partners from five countries (UK, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia and Korea) to enable an international network of experienced and next generation researchers from across Europe and South Korea. GETM3 worked to enhance learning and knowledge exchange, enable researcher development, and create on-going and international partnerships across academic institutions and with community partners.

GETM3 from Northumbria University on Vimeo.


The group organises a quarterly networking and knowledge exchange event – a ‘sandpit’ – rotating hosts around the UK, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia, South Korea and online. Each event has a different theme and focus of activities. The last in person event was in Dublin in January 2020. The next will be hosted by Korea and will take place online in summer 2021. All events are free to attend. 

Latest news 

The 2021 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management and Social Collaboration, organised by the BK4 Sustainable Business Value Team and BK4 Subtraction Platform Team at Chonnam National University, Korea and the GETM RIG based at Northumbria University, UK will take place online on June 22nd and 23rd. Programme and joining details to be announced. 


Dr Alison Pearce
Newcastle Business School
Northumbria University
Phone: +44 191 227 3704

Mark Bailey, Northumbria University Design School

Michelle Booth, Northumbria University Business School

Prof. Janine Bosak, Dublin City University Business School 

Dr. Julie Brückner, Dublin City University Business School

Dr. Matej Černe, Ljubljana University Economics & Business School 

Samuel Clegg, Northumbria University Business School & Highfly

Suzanne Crane, New College Durham

Marcin Darecki, Warsaw University Management School

Dr. Paul Doyle, Technological University Dublin Computing School

Dr. Katarzyna Dziewanowska, Warsaw University Management Faculty

Dr. Alenka Slavec Gomezel, Ljubljana University Social Sciences Faculty 

Prof. Paul Greenhalgh, Northumbria University Architecture & Built Environment Dept 

Prof. Brian Harney, Dublin City University Business School

Dr. Tomaž Hovelja, Ljubljana University Computer Faculty

Dr. Darryl Humble, Northumbria University Social Sciences Dept  

Prof. Ui Wook Hwang, Kyungpook National University Sciences School

Dr. Robert Kaše, Ljubljana University Economics & Business School  

Prof. Ilsang Ko, Chonnam National University Business School

Dr. Andrej Kohont, Ljubljana University Social Sciences Faculty

Anna Kuzminska, Warsaw University Faculty of Management

Dr. Roisin Lyons, Limerick University Business School

Peter Manifold, Technological University Dublin Computing School  

Molka Mazghouni, Chonnam National University Business School

Dr. John McMackin, Dublin City University Business School  

Dr. Katja Mihelič, Ljubljana University Economics & Business School

Dr. Katarzyna Modrzejewska, Warsaw University of Technology, Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management  

Craig Moore, Northumbria University Social Sciences Faculty  

Dr. Alison Pearce, Northumbria University Business School  

Dr. Peter Pease, Northumbria University Business School

Dr. Daniel Park, Chonnam National University Business School

Dr. Edita Petrylaite, Northumbria University Business School  

Dr. Agnieska Postula, Warsaw University Faculty of Management 

Dr. Igor Postula, Warsaw University Faculty of Management 

Dr. Melita Balas Rant, Ljubljana University Economics & Business School  

Dr. Rose Quan, Northumbria University Business School

Dr. Kyung Wook Seo, Northumbria University Architecture & Built Environment Dept  

Dr. Hyemi Shin, Coventry University Business School  

Dr. Alireza Shokri, Northumbria University Business School 

Dr. Dimitra Skoumpopolou, Northumbria University Business School   

Dr. Brenda Stalker, Northumbria University Business School 

Huan Sun, Northumbria University Business School

Neil Thompson, Northumbria University Psychology Department

Dr. Aldo Valencia, Maynooth University Design school   

Alejandra Vicencio, Northumbria University

Adam Weatherley, Irish Association of SMEs  

Xiaolong Wei, Chonnam National University Business School  

Dr. Szu-Hsin Wu, Dundee University School of Business   

Dr. Hyun Shik Yoon, Chonnam National University Business School   

Dr. Marcin Żemigała, Warsaw University Management School  

Prof. Nada Zupan, Ljubljana University Economics & Business School  

Bailey, M., Harney, B. & Pearce, A. (2019). Designing a design-thinking approach to HRD, International Journal of Human Resource Development: Practice, Policy & Research, Vol 4 No 2: 9-23. 

Bailey, M., Pearce, A., Spencer, N., Mihelic, K., Dziewanowska, K. (2018). Beyond disciplines: Can design approaches be used to develop education for jobs that don't yet exist? In Bohemia, E. et al (Eds). Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2018) 

Balas Rant, M., Dziewanowska, K., Petrylaite, E. & Pearce, A. (2021). Attitudes of young people towards success and a successful career: implications for SMEs, Economics & Business Review (In Press). 

Balas Rant, M. & Mihelic, K. (2020). Being present is a present: mindfulness as a strategy to manage interactions in work and non-work life. In: The Routledge companion to mindfulness at work [online]. New York. p. 234–250.   

Booth, M., Shin, Hyemi, S. & Slavec Gomezel, A. (2019). Human resource management challenges in a Slovenian socal enterprise: a case study, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research 2019, Vol 4 No 2: 65-82. 

Bruckner, J. & Mihelic, K. (2019). Reflections on Leading Young Talents: A Manager’s Perspective, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research 2019, Vol 4 No 2: 103-114. 

Clegg, S., Pearce, A. Ko, I., (2019). Transnational, trans-sectorial and transgenerational collaboration: a proposal to build social capital using the SPLIT Framework, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 53-58. 

Dziewanowska, K., Petrylaite, E., Balas Rant, M. & Clegg, S. (2019). Personal career success in the eyes of nascent entrepreneurs internationally, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research 2019, Vol 4 No 2: 25-44. 

Dziewanowska, K., Pearce, A., Zupan, N. & Quan, R. (2019). Take Your Partners! Transcending national culture to implement diverse international projects: the supremacy of individuals and influence of organisations, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 3-12. 

Dziewanowska, K., Quan, R. & Pearce, A. (2018). Capturing the value of international mobility: a customer dominant logic approach, Management Issues/Problema Zarzadzania, 16, 4(77), pp.43-62. ISSN 1644-9584 

Dziewanowska, K., Pearce, A. & Zupan, N. (2016). Generation Y’s expectations regarding their future employment relationships poses a challenge for their employers. Journal of Human Resource Management, 1. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2453-7683. 

Gubbins, C., Harney, B., van der Werff, L. & Rousseau, D. (2018). Enhancing the trustworthiness and credibility of human resource development: Evidence‐based management to the rescue? Human Resource Development Quarterly 29(1) 

Harney, B. & Collings, D. (2021). Navigating the shifting landscapes of HRM, Human Resource Management Review. (In Press) 

Harney, B. (2021). Holistic learning: big lessons for academics, students and SMEs, available here  

Harney, B., Pearce, A., Doyle, P., Hovelja, T., Lyons, R. & Dziewanowska, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial Talent Management Development through Pedagogical Innovation: Three International Case Evaluations, in Black, K. (Ed) Organization and Human Resource Management: An Educator’s Handbook, Routledge. (In Press) 

Harney, B. (2021). Accommodating HRM in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A critical review, Economics & Business Review (In Press) 

Kohont, A. (2018). Exploring talent management in South Korea, Slovenia, Poland, Ireland and GB: methodological frame, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, pp. 77-84. 

Kohont, A., Svetlik, I., Golob, U. & Podnar, K. (2018). Exploring talent management in South Korea: mosaic of internships, traineeships, HRM, and CSR, GETM3 Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management, Academic Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, September 5th.  

Mazghouni, M., Ko, I. & Clegg, S. (2019). HRD implications of virtual teams: explorations and challenges, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research 2019, Vol 4 No 2: 115-119 

Mazghouni, M., Ko, I., Pearce, A. & Clegg, A. (2019) Millennial perceptions of virtuality and turnover intention: skill differentiation and authority differentiation as boundary conditions to outcomes, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, pp. 77-84. 

Mihelič, K., Pearce, A. & Zupan, N. (2021). Editorial: Evolving the narrative of managing young talent in SMEs, Economics & Business Review (In Press). 

Mihelič, K., Bailey, M., Brueckner, J., Postula, A. & Zupan, N. (2021). Get what you give? Investigating young professionals’ psychological contracts in European SMEs, Economics & Business Review (In Press). 

Mihelič, K, Zupan, N., Balas Rant, M., Harney, B., Wu, S-H., Zdziarski, M., Bailey, M., Petrylaite, E., Stalker, B. & Pearce, A. (2018). Back to basics: exploring talent management from three stakeholder perspectives, presented at the Global entrepreneurial talent management 3 (GETM3) Conference, Warsaw, April 17. 

Mihelič, K. & Zupan, N. (2018). When younger employees experience a psychological contract breach: a research proposal, GETM3 Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management, Academic Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, September 5th, 2018.  

Pearce, A., Harney, B., Bailey, M., Dziewanowska, K., Bosak, J., Pease, P., Stalker, B., Skoumpopoulou, D., Doyle, P. Clegg, S., Shokri, A., Crane, S., O’Donnell, S., Quan, R., Ko, I., Mihelic, K., Kase, R., Cerne, M., Sun, H., Bruckner, J., Wu, Szu-Hsin, Valencia Hernandez, J.A. & McMackin, J. (2021) Managing a mega-project to explore and enhance careers: insights from Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3, in Murphy, W (Ed), Handbook of Research Methods in Careers, Boston: Edward Elgar. 

Pearce, A., Dziewanowska, K, Quan, R. & Ko, Ilsang (2020). Combining Korean Confucianism with European values to build enduring business relationships, European Journal of International Management (DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2021.10032912). 

Pearce, A., Harney, B., Zupan, N. & Stalker, B. (2019). Editorial: Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management challenges and opportunities for HRD, International Journal of Human Resource Development: Practice, Policy & Research, Vol 4 No 2: 5-8. 

Pearce, A. Dziewanowska, K, Quan, R. & Wu, S. (2019). Opinion: Can working abroad ever be worthwhile?  International Journal of Human Resource Development: Practice, Policy & Research, Vol 4 No 2: 115-119. 

Skoumpopoulou, D., Stalker, B. & Kohont, A. (2019). Talent management in European SMEs: case analysis between Slovenia & Poland, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research, Vol 4 No 2: 45-64. 

Stalker, B., Skoumpopoulou, D. & Quan, R. (2019). Impactful learning: exploring the value of informal learning experiences to improve the learning potential of international research projects, International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research, Vol 4 No 2: 83-102. 

Valencia, A., Humble, D., Doyle, P. & Skoumpopolou (2021). International reflections on the challenges of entrepreneurial education working with small and medium-sized enterprises, Economics & Business Review (In Press).  

Valencia, A. & Pearce, A. (2019). Notes on Designer Entrepreneurs and ‘The Geppetto Effect’, Design Management Review, 30(2), pp.16-21. 

Valencia, A. & Pearce, A. (2019). Existing in the Wild: Designer-entrepreneurs moving from invention to innovation via an advantage-seeking mindset - a brief discussion of concepts, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 35-39. 

Wei, X-L. & Ko, I. (2019). The impact of IT collaboration on IT enabled organizational agility and the moderating effect of the diversified organizational culture, In Ko, I (Ed): Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management & Social Collaboration, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 93-102. 

Zupan, N., Mihelic, K. & Aleksić, D. (2018). Knowing Me is the Key: Implications of Anticipatory Psychological Contract for Millennials in Retention: Theory, Research and Practice. 10.1007/978-3-319-98920-4_15. 

Zupan, N., Dziewanowska, K. and Pearce, A. (2017) Wanting it all: the challenges of managing talent in young generation of transition economies. Baltic Journal of Management, 12 (1). pp. 63-85. ISSN 1746-5265. Winner of Emerald Publishing Literati Award 2018.

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