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Ashton Cole


Where are you from?

Workington, Cumbria

Why did you choose Northumbria University, Newcastle?

I chose Northumbria because of how modern its facilities were compared to other universities. The library is outstanding and there are so many online resources for when term has finished and you need to complete assignments at home. The student accomodation was also the best that I had seen when I was viewing other universities on Open Days - it is really secure and clean and the staff are always on hand to help.

What do you think of Newcastle and our region and what are your favourite things to do?

Newcastle is fantastic - everybody is so friendly which makes settling in a lot easier. My favourite things to do were shopping in Eldon Sqaure (especially Fenwicks!) and eating out down on the Quayside - it is amazing, especially at night when it's all lit up! Newcastle has something for everybody.

What has surprised you most about living in Newcastle and this region? What has impressed you most?

I was most surprised by how friendly the locals are as this is a rarity in most big cities! The most impressive part has been how Newcastle caters for everybody - if you want the typical student life going out every night then you can have it, but equally if you want the more chilled out student experience and you want to focus more on your studies, you can have all that too!

Did you find Northumbria University welcoming?  Was it easy to fit in?

Yes, very. The university did a great job organising Fresher's Week on campus which gave everybody the opportunity to meet each other. Plus, everybody is in the same boat so making new friends is really easy!

What have you enjoyed most about coming to Northumbria University?

It has to be the people I have met there. When you go to University, you'll make friends for life.

Who has helped you most since you came to Northumbria?

All of my tutors have been really helpful - if ever I've been confused about an assignment I've only ever had to email and they've all been happy to help, especially Dr Laing! Dr Watson was also extremely helpful to me as my dissertation supervisor and helped me do my best in the most important part of my studies.

What is your favourite place on campus?

The Library - it caters for everbody. If you want to work in silence there are designated silent zones, but if you want to chat with your friends or do group work, there's more laid back and comfortable areas for that too.

Have you joined any sports teams, clubs or been involved in any volunteer projects?  Tells us about the highlights?

I volunteered for Victim Support in Newcastle in which I was a Peer Mentor to children who had been victims of crime. It was so rewarding and has proved absolutely invaluable to my career now - I'd definitely recommend this to anybody, it's fantastic to have on your CV.

What is the best thing about your course?

The lectures and seminars really relate to the assignments which makes the assignments much easier to complete as you already have the foundations to do well.

What are the most valuable lessons you have learnt to date?

Organisation is key. Do all your reading for your lectures and seminars and you will do so much better in your assignments than if you do not - it really will make your university life so so much easier.

What do you want to do in the future?  What skills have you learned/improved that you think will be of most use in your future career?

I want to be a Primary Teacher and I'm starting my PGCE in September. The most valuable skills I have learned are identifying the most appropriate resources for research and also managing time effectively - both will be crucial to a successful teaching career.

If you could offer some advice to students thinking of coming to study here what would you say?

Get involved in everything - you'll meet so many great people who you'll stay in touch with for the rest of your life.

How do you feel you have changed as a person since being at Northumbria University, Newcastle (e.g. confidence)?

Although I've always worked hard at school and done well academically, I now know from Univerity that only you are responsible for your own success. The harder you are willing to work, the better you will do and if you always strive to do the best assignment you can and leave nothing to chance, you'll be graduating in a robe with first class honours.

If you had 3 words to sum up your time with us what would they be?

Challenging, rewarding, amazing.

Would you recommend Northumbria University to a friend?

Yes, definitely.

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