PE7023 - Research Based Study

What will I learn on this module?

In this module you will design and implement a substantive research-based investigation in order to address a self-selected, authentic work

based or professional/practice related problem within your discipline area. This student-led, independent study allows you to synthesize and

apply previous learning and experience, and build upon existing academic, research and personal skills.

You will learn how to effectively engage with the research process in an applied context. Aspects will include:

* Application of appropriate research questions.

* Critical evaluation of existing literature and other sources to develop conceptual and theoretical frameworks for analysis.

* Application of research theory and methods in implementing a piece of research in practice, including critical awareness of research

theory, approaches, methods and ethics.

* Application of frameworks to provide an integrated critical analysis of theory and data to identify evidence-based conclusions and

recommendations where appropriate.

* Project management.

You will develop your skills as autonomous, reflective learners in the process of completing the research-based study.

An in-depth and complex understanding of the chosen area of your professional discipline, and the skills developed in this module, will be

demonstrated in a scholarly, academically rigorous research-based study. The advanced knowledge gained through original data collection

and analysis, and theoretically informed critical evaluation, will have the potential to contribute to the relevant disciplinary community of


How will I learn on this module?

Your learning in this module is through actively engaging with the research process. Through defining your own study objectives, identifying

and critically evaluating relevant literature and designing, implementing and analysing your own research in order to develop a coherent,

substantiated argument within an academic research-based study, you will develop a critical understanding of the process through which

knowledge is created as well as contributing to new knowledge.

Each module session follows a similar structure of Learn, Explore Further and Apply. All learning materials and resources are accessible via

our virtual learning environment.

In this module you are empowered as partners in the learning process, taking responsibility for your own learning. The self-directed aspects of

this module are supported by guidance at the module level, provided via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and a system of one-to-one

supervision with an appointed academic supervisor.

Learning developed in the Research Methods module, PE7022, ensures that you have a clear understanding of what is required at the commencement of this module. The supervision process provides opportunities for learning through interaction and dialogue with an individual supervisor (including the use of tools such as Skype, Blackboard Collaborate). Formative feedback throughout the process, as well as an opportunity for interim summative feedback, facilitates your ongoing learning and reflection, informing the evolution of your research-based study in practice, both in terms of subject knowledge and application of the research process.

How will I be supported academically on this module?

You will be an autonomous, self-motivated learner within a supportive distance learning environment. The module tutor provides generic

module guidance in various formats via the VLE. This a module handbook, guides to aspects of the process (e.g. supervision), and an

evolving tutor-supported module discussion board, which will allow you to regularly interact with the module tutor and fellow students. The

module tutor provides regular updates via the VLE throughout the process of completing this module, alongside support and the development

of student interaction through the discussion board.

Learning materials are provided via the VLE in relation to the different aspects of the research process, using a variety of PowerPoint, audio

and video methods. Interaction with these modules, as well as directed and independent reading, will develop your understanding of the

research process which you can then apply to your individual study. The University library provides additional support in terms of research

skills as well as identifying literature in relation to your chosen topic, as well as access to e-resources and journals in electronic format.

In terms of your specific research-based study, support is provided through one-to-one supervision. You will be allocated an individual tutor as

your supervisor. As self-motivated learners, you are required to negotiate an agreed communication plan with your supervisor, identifying a

schedule of communication and appropriate mechanisms (for example e-mail, telephone or Skype, Blackboard Collaborate). The supervision

process facilitates dialogue and opportunities for formative feedback to inform the development and completion of your research based study.

What will I be expected to read on this module?

All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.

What will I be expected to achieve?

Knowledge & Understanding: * MLO1: A complex, effectively focused, in-depth critical analysis of a self -selected aspect of your discipline area, grounded in both new and existing knowledge. * MLO2: A critical evaluation of the theory and practice of research methods and the research process. Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities: * MLO3: Define a researchable problem, establishing aims and objectives that are focused and justified in terms of professional relevance, theoretical framework and research methodology. * MLO4: Identify and critically evaluate relevant literature (both theoretical and professional/practice sources) to effectively inform analyses. * MLO5: Design and implement a programme of research, effectively applying your knowledge of research methods and the research process to the aims and objectives of your study, critically reflecting on theoretical, methodological, ethical, and other constraints and limitations. * MLO6: Critically evaluate the subject area by analysing and synthesising research findings and literature/theory to advance knowledge and complexity of understanding, identifying evidence-based conclusions (and recommendations, where appropriate). * MLO7: A professionally presented research-based study in an academically acceptable format; well written, effectively structured, appropriately referenced, with a coherent, substantiated argument. Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA): * MLO8: Demonstrate the capacity for independent working, critical reflection and autonomous decision making, initiative and creativity in problem solving, and effective project management.

How will I be assessed?

Formative assessment: Engaging with tasks in the learning materials will provide formative feedback in terms of general understanding of the research process. In relation to the development of your specific study, the supervision process facilitates ongoing dialogue with opportunities for formative feedback. Summative assessment: There is one component, of word length 10,000 words and weighted 100%. 1. Research Based Study The Research Based Study tests all the module learning outcomes. This substantive piece of coursework presents your in-depth, research based, study of your chosen subject. You will be required to demonstrate your understanding and application of the research process as well as the advanced knowledge developed as a result of critical integrated analyses. It tests MLO1, MLO2, MLO3, MLO4, MLo5, MLO6, MLO7 and MLO8. Coursework will be submitted, assessed, and feedback provided to you, online.


PE7022 – Research Methods



Module abstract

You will design and implement a substantive research-based investigation in order to address a self-selected, authentic work based or

professional/practice related problem within your discipline area. This student-led, independent study allows you to synthesize and apply

previous learning and experience and develop your understanding of the research process. Through actively engaging with the research

process you will explore ways in which knowledge is created and contribute to new knowledge. This challenging and rewarding enquiry based

module is supported through module information and learning materials about the research process on the VLE, and, crucially, through one-

to-one supervision (supported through scheduled Blackboard Collaborate sessions in which you will be able to “video-conference” academic

tutors) providing you with the opportunity for personal dialogue and guidance in developing your research skills and critical thinking. You will

produce a scholarly research-based study, with the potential to contribute to your discipline’s community of practice, as well as demonstrating

employability and professional development skills such as creativity and project management.

Course info

Credits 40

Level of Study Postgraduate

Mode of Study 2 years Part Time (Distance Learning)

Location City Campus, Northumbria University

City Newcastle

Start Upcoming Intakes - July 2025, October 2025, January 2026

Fee Information

Module Information

All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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