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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in research via the Cognition & Communication Research Centre

Cognition & Communication Research Centre

HLS Pamela Briggs Staffprofile 100Professor Pamela Briggs
Professor and Chair in Applied Psychology
Pam holds a Chair in Applied Psychology, delivering innovative research and consultancy around issues of identity, trust and security in new social media. Her research seeks answers to three main questions:... more>>

HLS Piers Cornelissen Staffprofile 100Professor Piers Cornelissen
Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience
Prof Piers Cornelissen holds the Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Psychology. He trained as a medic at St Thomas’s Hospital London. After some time in clinical practice he moved to Oxford... more>>

HLS Lynnecoventrybranch Staffprofile 100Dr Lynne Coventry
Director of PaCT Lab
BSc Psychology and Computing Science; MSc in Software Engineering; PhD in Human Computer Interaction
Lynne Coventry is the Director of PaCT Lab (Psychology and Communication Technology) at the University of Northumbria. She is an applied researcher who enjoys working in multidisciplinary teams to solve... more>>

Professor Margaret Anne (Greta) Defeyter
Professor and Director of Business and Employer Engagement
Greta took her first degree in Psychology at the University of Essex. After completing an ESRC funded PhD she began working as a Senior Research officer at the University of Essex. She came to Northumbria... more>>

Professor Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon
Associate Dean for Research & Innovation
PhD and BSc
Professor Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon is Associate Dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences. Gwyneth studied for her first degree at University of Glasgow where she... more>>

Matthew Haigh
Department of Psychology
Matthew Haigh is an Anniversary Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology. Hecompleted a Ph.D. and two postdoctoral research positions at the University of Manchester before coming to Northumbria... more>>


HLS Linda Little Staffprofile 100Dr Linda Little
Reader and Chartered Psychologist, Associate Director of the Psychology and Communications Technology (PaCT) Lab
Linda is a Reader and Chartered Psychologist within the Department of Psychology. She teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels on various modules including Social Psychology and Work and the... more>>

HLS Lynn Mcinnis Staffprofile 100Dr Lynn McInnes
Director of Undergraduate Programmes in Psychology
Lynn is the Director of Undergraduate Programmes within the Department of Psychology. In addition to this role she teaches on the level four module Personality and Health Psychology and on the level 6 module,... more>>

Dr Andriy Myachykov
Senior Lecturer
PhD in Psychology 
Dr Andriy Myachykov is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Northumbria University. He completed his PhD in Psychology at University of Glasgow in 2007. Upon graduation, he was awarded an ESRC post-doctoral... more>>

Dr Leigh Riby
BSc (Hons), PhD
Leigh is a Reader in Psychology using a cognitive neuroscience approach to examine ageing, mind wandering and creative imagination. He obtained his PhD in 2001 from Bristol University (executive functioning... more>>

Dr Liz Sillence
Senior Lecturer
BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
Liz is a Senior Lecturer within the Department of Psychology teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is a member of the PACT (Psychology and Communication Technologies) Lab - part of... more>>

Dr Larry Taylor
Senior Lecturer
Larry Taylor is a senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology. He earned a PhD at Erasmus University in Rotterdam before coming to Northumbria in 2009... more>>








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