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From the start ReNU is backed by a strong portfolio of 36 partners including 27 companies (both SMEs and multinationals), non-profit organisations, key networks, local government and prestigious academic institutes across the globe.

Our training programme offers multiple opportunities to work and engage with those partners and we encourage all our students to do so. 

A key objective of ReNU is to train the next generation of doctoral-level students to drive forward UK innovation in renewable and sustainable energy.  ReNU can help your organisation through targeted R&D projects and by providing a talent pipeline to drive forward your business.  Similarly, our partner portfolio includes both multinational companies and SMEs, providing valuable direct (cash) and in-kind (training, materials, advice, etc.) to the programme. 

If you would like to register your interest in becoming a partner and join ReNU please contact Dr Haimeng Wu.

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Solar and wind farm

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