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Northumbria University exam processes are coordinated centrally by the Examinations and Awards team based within Student, Library and Academic Services.

The main areas of responsibility which the team cover are:

  • Examinations: Student data extraction, exam requirement data collection and verification, internal and external room allocation, hire and set up, scheduling of examinations throughout the year including the compilation and publication of the major examination period schedules to the web.

  • Individual student examination requirement: Organisation of individual resource support for any student with registered additional requirements.

  • Invigilation: Recruitment and training, allocation to exams, management and payment.

  • Optical Marks Recognition Exams and Evaluations: Form ordering, pre-printing, receipting, scanning, marking/verification and electronic marks/analysis return. Specific detail relating to when and where Northumbria examinations take place and student guidance of rules, responsibilities and regulations can be accessed using the page links to the right.

If you are thinking of studying at Northumbria University, you can find out further exam information below.

Northumbria University holds 3 major examinations periods during the Academic Calendar:

  • Semester 1 (2 weeks January)
  • Semester 2 (3 weeks May)
  • Re-assessment (1 week in August)

These periods will apply to most taught programmes. However it should be noted that there are variances across the University in course dates and professional body requirements, especially on some programmes relating to healthcare education, teacher training and law. Therefore whilst examination activity does take place during most months of the calendar year only the major periods, as above, are published.

Individual support, advice and guidance is available to any student who has a disability, medical condition, specific learning difficulty or injury that may affect their study at the University and needs to be taken into consideration whilst sitting examinations. Depending on your needs, these arrangements can include extra time, use of a PC, reader or scribe.

To get further information on the types of support available, please access the Modified exam arrangements page. 

The Northumbria University Student Charter asks that students make themselves aware of all regulations and procedures governing their time at the University including those relating to academic integrity and avoidance of academic misconduct.

Assessment Regulations, Policies and Procedures: Detailed Policy, Regulations and associated procedures information concerning areas such as, regulations governing exams, academic misconduct, alternative forms of assessment for disability, personal and technical extenuating circumstances and appeal processes.

Students should also take time to read the Handbook of Student Regulations and any course related information they are given as these may also contain additional relevant information on regulation and procedure that they need to be aware of concerning their specific course assessment requirements.

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