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Dr Morena Tartari

Associate Professor

Morena Tartari

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Folk devils and moral panics in the COVID-19 pandemic: An introduction, Tartari, M. 5 Jul 2024, Folk Devils and Moral Panics in the COVID-19 Pandemic, London, Taylor & Francis
  • Folk devils and moral panics in the COVID-19 pandemic: Final remarks, Tartari, M. 5 Jul 2024, Folk Devils and Moral Panics in the COVID-19 Pandemic, London, Taylor & Francis
  • Folk Devils and Moral Panics in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tartari, M., Scarcelli, C., Rinaldi, C. 5 Jul 2024
  • Sharenting and social media properties: Exploring vicarious data harms and sociotechnical mitigations, Ugwudike, P., Roth, S., Lavorgna, A., Middleton, S., Djohari, N., Tartari, M., Mandal, A. 1 Mar 2024, In: Big Data and Society
  • Sharenting in Digital Society: Exploring the Prospects of an Emerging Moral Panic, Ugwudike, P., Lavorgna, A., Tartari, M. 2 Apr 2024, In: Deviant Behavior
  • Sharing as displaying: parents' sharenting practices within conflictual separations, Tartari, M., Lavorgna, A., Ugwudike, P. 1 May 2024, In: Families, Relationships and Societies
  • Between Mothers’ Needs and Judicial Actualities: The Experience of Single Mothers Who Are Victims of Domestic Violence with Children Custody Proceedings, Tartari, M. 1 Jul 2023, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2023
  • Criminogenic and harm-enabling features of social media platforms: The case of sharenting practices, Lavorgna, A., Tartari, M., Ugwudike, P. 1 May 2023, In: European Journal of Criminology
  • Online sharenting: Identifying existing vulnerabilities and demystifying media reported crime risks, Lavorgna, A., Ugwudike, P., Tartari, M. 1 Nov 2023, In: Crime, Media, Culture

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