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Dr Yilun Shang

Associate Professor

Department: Computer and Information Sciences

 Yilun Shang

I have an interdisciplinary interest in complex system, which refers to a system composed of many interacting parts, such that the collective behaviour of those parts together is more than sum of their individual behaviour.

I am currently an Associate Professor in Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria. Prior to this I have been an Associate Professor at Tongji University leading the Complex Network group in School of Mathematical Sciences for four years (2014-2018). Before this I held various postdoctoral appointments with Institute for Cyber Security and Department of Computer Science at University of Texas at San Antonio, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre at Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Einstein Institute of Mathematics at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-2014). In 2017, I visited Department of Mathematical Sciences at University of Essex as a short stay Essex International Visiting Fellow. I received my PhD degree in Applied Mathematics in 2010 and BSc degree in Mathematics in 2005, both from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I received the 2016 Dimitrie Pompeiu Prize from the Romanian Academy in recognition of my work in network synchronization and presented a 15min short communication in the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro under the auspices of Open Arms Grants.

In the framework of complex networks and systems, my current research activities can roughly be grouped into three categories as follows.

1. Physical and functional properties of complex networks.

Robustness and resilience of complex networks using percolation theory, probabilistic analysis, master equations, network-theoretic methods, and numerical simulations; Information diffusion and epidemic disease models using graph theory, ordinary/partial/stochastic differential equations, stochastic processes, stability theory, Lie algebra method, and numerical simulations.

2. Mathematical properties of complex network models and random graphs.

Combinatorial study of various random graph models, including E-R random graph, Chung-Lu model, random regular graphs, random intersection graphs, random geometric graphs, inhomogeneous random graphs, stochastic block models, networks of networks;  Topological and geometric properties including degree distribution, distance, Hamiltonian path, cycles, connectivity, connected components, clustering coefficient, chromatic number, clique number, independence number, hierarchical self-similarity, expander properties, Gromov hyperbolicity, random walks, graphon, and various algebraic graph indices.

3. Nonlinear dynamical systems and collective behaviours in complex systems.

Social/biological dynamics over complex networks (including opinion evolutions, information diffusion, and swarm dynamics); Synchronization phenomenon and consensus problems in multi-agent systems with applications in system engineering using control theory, matrix theory, optimization methods, and numerical simulations.

Opportunities to carry out postgraduate research towards a PhD/MSc by research exist in all the areas of interest identified above. I’m always open to suggestions for PhD/MSc topics in my research area of complex networks and systems.


Campus Address

Room 206, Ellison Building Block B
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Lower bounds on trees and unicyclic graphs with respect to the misbalance rodeg index, Dehgardi, N., Azari, M., Shang, Y. 15 Jan 2025, In: Heliyon
  • On spectrum of Sombor matrix and Sombor energy of graphs, Pirzada, S., Rather, B., Das, K., Shang, Y., Gutman, I. 13 Jan 2025, In: Georgian Mathematical Journal
  • The symmetric division Szeged index: A novel tool for predicting physical and chemical properties of complex networks, Ghorbani, M., Vaziri, Z., Alidehi-Ravandi, R., Shang, Y. 15 Feb 2025, In: Heliyon
  • A New Method for Computing the Vertex PI Index with Applications to Special Classes of Graphs, Manju, S., Somasundaram, K., Shang, Y. 26 Nov 2024, In: AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
  • Bipartite consensus of concatenated opinion dynamics for two antagonistic groups: A game theoretical perspective, Li, J., Shang, Y., Wang, W., Ma, J. 28 Dec 2024, In: Neurocomputing
  • Computing dominant metric dimensions of certain connected networks, Ali, I., Javaid, M., Shang, Y. 29 Feb 2024, In: Heliyon
  • Creating a network-state homomorphism through optimization, Shang, Y. 25 Nov 2024, In: RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
  • Exploring dynamics of multi-peak and breathers-type solitary wave solutions in generalized higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation and their optical applications, Yasin, F., Alshehri, M., Arshad, M., Shang, Y., Afzal, Z. 1 Oct 2024, In: Alexandria Engineering Journal
  • Fault-tolerant partition resolvability of cycle with chord, Azhar, K., Zafar, S., Nadeem, A., Shang, Y. 6 Nov 2024, In: PLoS One
  • First irregularity Sombor index of trees with fixed maximum degree, Dehgardi, N., Shang, Y. 31 Dec 2024, In: Research in Mathematics

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: 2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm 2021
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: 2020 4th International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics 2020
  • Organising a conference, workshop, ...: 2019 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Algorithm 2019
  • Invited talk: Recent advances on variants of Estrada index of random graphs 2019
  • Invited talk: New bounds for Gaussian Estrada index of graphs 2019

  • Applied Mathematics PhD June 30 2010
  • AFHEA 2019
  • FHEA 2020

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