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Northumbria's international reputation as a leading British university is the result of a distinctive combination of outstanding academic research and teaching, innovative programmes, traditional values and social and cultural diversity. Both research-engaged and business-focused, it has an expanding multicultural learning community, with excellent links with education, industry and commerce throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. Northumbria University has:

  • Over 3,200 international students
  • Students from over 100 countries
  • Over 100 university partners worldwide
  • Opportunities to study abroad 
  • International partnerships and networks
  • Internationally renowned educational consultants

Partnership working with other institutions around the world enables Northumbria to provide outstanding learning for students within and outside the UK and to undertake internationally excellent and world-leading teaching and research. Franchising is the process by which Northumbria University authorises an approved partner institution to deliver (and sometimes assess) part or all of an approved University of Northumbria at Newcastle programme, which leads to a university award. The department has run for numerous years successful franchise programmes particularly in Singapore, at Kaplan Higher Education Institute and the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) where we offer:

  • BA (Hons) Childhood & Early Years Studies
  • BA (Hons) Guidance & Counselling
  • Masters of Public Health (MPH)
  • MSc Healthcare Management

Numerous students at Kaplan and MDIS have graduated from these and similar programmes. The MPH & MSc Healthcare Management both attract a number of international students. Come and join us and fulfil your potential and dreams!

Latest News and Features

Northumbria University News Spring 2025
Led by academics from Northumbria University and campaigners at the UBI Lab Network, a new pilot proposal has been launched for a groundbreaking scheme which experts say could eventually end absolute poverty in Greater Manchester.
City Campus East at Northumbria University
Professor Greta Defeyter
Dr Elliott Johnson, Vice Chancellor’s Fellow in Public Policy at Northumbria University.
Sycamore Gap
New study demonstrates an inclusive approach to leading research
Members of the Common Sense Policy Group at Northumbria University have released a new report with Insights North East which presents cutting-edge evidence on regional public opinion on the future of transport policy in the North East.

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