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Latest News and Features

The Converted Flat in 2049, by the Interaction Research Studio, is one of seven period rooms built as part of the Real Rooms project which opened in July at the Museum of the Home in London.
The UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM), based at Northumbria University, has been awarded over £400,000 by the European Space Agency to investigate tipping points in the Earth’s icy regions with a focus on the Antarctic. Photo by Professor Andrew Shepherd.
Nature Awards Inclusive Health Research
Some members of History’s editorial team (from left to right): Daniel Laqua (editor-in-chief), Katarzyna Kosior (reviews editor), Lewis Kimberley (editorial assistant), Charotte Alston (deputy editor) and Henry Miller (online editor).
Dr Elliott Johnson, Vice Chancellor’s Fellow in Public Policy at Northumbria University.
Balfour Beatty graduates at Northumbria's winter congregation
NIHR multiple and complex needs
Paramedics at work

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