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What is AACSB International?

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International was founded in 1916.

Today it is the longest serving global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting. It is also considered by many to be the leading international accreditation for business education.

AACSB Accreditation is the hallmark of excellence. Today, of the approximate 15,700 institutions worldwide offering business degrees, there are only 836 business institutions in 55 countries and territories that maintain AACSB Accreditation. Similarly, 189 institutions maintain an additional specialised AACSB Accreditation for their accounting programmes.

Gaining this accreditation is recognition at an international level that Newcastle Business School, as part of Northumbria University, has met specific and recognisable standards of excellence. Northumbria is the first post 92 institution to secure AACSB accreditation. It also sends a clear signal that the dean, faculty and professional staff have made a commitment to ongoing continuous improvement to ensure that the institution will continue to deliver the highest quality of education to students 

AACSB Accreditation brings numerous benefits for Newcastle Business School including:

  • Enhanced employability for business graduates
  • Opens new international markets for Newcastle Business School
  • Access to high quality international partners for research, dual degrees and other collaborative activities
  • Demonstrates quality and ambition of Newcastle Business School to regional employers and partners
  • Kudos and esteem from being accredited with an internationally-recognised body.

AACSB have outlined the rigorous accreditation process in a step-by-step guide, which can be found by visiting:

The significance of AACSB accreditation and the path that Business Schools must take in order to achieve it is highlighted in a recent publication which can be accessed via the attached link -, 

Newcastle Business School was originally awarded Business Accreditation on Friday 9th May 2014, and then Accounting accreditation in August 2014. Accreditation lasts for a period of 5 years. 

In April 2019 Newcastle Business School underwent a Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) with AACSB and achieved re-accreditation in both Business and Accounting programmes. This accreditation is also valid for 5 years. 


AACSB implements the Accreditation process by assigning a Peer Review Team who will visit and assess the School. The Peer Review Team is key to the final decision which is reviewed by the Accreditation committee and AACSB Board of Directors.

The advantages of accreditation include: 

  • Joining an elite group of institutions.
  • Opening new international markets for Newcastle Business School
  • Access to high quality international partners for research, dual degrees and other collaborative activity.
  • Opportunities to build relationships through Affinity Groups – a global network of high quality school to share best practices, challenges and opportunities.

AACSB Accreditation is an assurance that the School produces high calibre, well prepared graduates who are desirable to prospective employers.

More Information

To find out more about AACSB accreditation and the Newcastle Business School.

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